对话Unity,洞见海外数字孪生之路 Get Together Session with Unity



March 30, 2022



孪数科技创始人、CTO刘凌超受邀参加 Member Get Together session,该活动由智慧城市联合创新实验室The Smart Urban Co-Innovation Lab主办。

刘凌超与Unity Business Development Manager (ASEAN) ,Sean围绕“数字孪生与元宇宙在建筑环境中的应用”同台论道。
On March 30, 2022, DIGITWIN Founder and CTO, Eric Liu, was invited to Member Get Together session hosted by The Smart Urban Co-Innovation Lab, where Eric and Sean from Unity shared a stage to discuss the topic of Digital Twin and Metaverse solutions in Built Environment.





The Smart Urban Co-Innovation Lab




The Smart Urban Co-Innovation Lab, Southeast Asia’s first industry-led lab for smart cities solutions development, initiated by CapitaLand and supported by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and Enterprise Singapore (ESG).




It was an insightful session with interesting discussion points. Continue reading to find out more about the Digital Twin future. The discussion revolves around these questions below.



为什么使用数字孪生体仿真模型来创建智慧城市如此重要?Why is it important to use Digital Twin simulations to create a smart city?



采用数字孪生解决方案需要采取哪些步骤?实施阶段的复杂程度如何?What are the steps to take for Digital Twin Solution adoption? What is the level of complexity during the implementation stage?



数字孪生技术的挑战是什么?(例如,随着新商业模式和技术的发展,识别和培育新的技能组合)What are the challenges of Digital Twin technology (eg. Identifying and nurturing new skillsets, building new business models and technology evolutions)



如何确保数据源之间的交互是安全的?How to ensure the interactions between multiple data sources are secured in the Digital Twin environment?



 在很长一段时间内,数据格式和数据存储会发生变化。拥有不可读的数据的风险更高。你如何保持数据格式和存储选项的一致性?Over a long period of time, data format and data storage can evolve. The risk of having unreadable data becomes higher. How do you keep data format and storage options consistent?









孪数科技创始人、CTO刘凌超通过介绍已落地的标杆案例【NUS 5G-enabled Cloud-based Digital Twin Platform for Smart FMS】,为线下及线上的嘉宾们详细讲述了数字孪生技术如何通过空间计算赋能场景智慧化运维管控。

Eric Liu, Founder and CTO of DIGITWIN, introduced a project we recently commissioned 【NUS 5G-enabled Cloud-based Digital Twin Platform for Smart FMS】and gave some of his personal insights to all members on how Digital Twin technology empowers intelligent O&M control of scenarios through spatial computing.


该项目为孪数科技新加坡分公司Virspatial与NUS新加坡国立大学的深度合作项目,打造的数字孪生平台可赋能其新型5G数字化建筑技术中心数字化升级。This project is a collaboration between Virspatial, the Singapore branch of DIGITWIN, and National University of Singapore. The objective is to create a digital twin platform that enables the digital upgrade of its new 5G Digital Building Technology Centre (Net-zero energy building).




The Digital Twin solution for NUS was beyond visualization. The developer team has equipped the solution with feature rich content and responsive system control through 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞® platform, pushing human-machine interaction to a new level.






Digital Twin technology and Enterprise Metaverse applications are not just a "Domestic Technology Trend", but an international technology wave. In the near future, DIGITWIN will enable more metaverse applications with its spatial twin data engine.




2022年4月1日 10:25